I had never heard of, much less seen, a fishtail plait until last year. It’s a different kind of braid, constructed of two thin and two fat strands, rather than the three same-sized strands of traditional braids. Its name comes from how the braids sometimes look like fish scales.
I found some instructions on YouTube and first I tried the braid on myself. I discovered that, unlike traditional or even French or Dutch braids, you need to have long thick hair to create one. My hair is thin, poker straight and baby fine, and in the back only goes about 3 inches past my shoulders. There was nothing for the fishtail strands to attach themselves to.
So then I tried it on my dolls, and these were the results.

Depending on how smooth and un-frizzy their fake hair is, I achieved different results. Velvet’s, Stacie’s and Barbie’s hairdos are obviously the best. Crissy’s hair is a little frizzy. You’ll notice that her braid is going in the opposite direction, A’s instead of V’s. I simply turned the doll upside down and braided it that way. Janet’s hair, although a little frizzy, is my personal favorite. With the braided red hair, she really does look like a wee Scottish lassie. Poor Mia’s hair is incredibly matted--the poof at the top isn’t a pompadour--it’s just a huge tangled mess!
A fishtail braid does not always begin to be evident with its first few rows. Note Velvet’s tail. That’s also what happened with my own hair, which was part of the problem.
So now you will see the dolls’ fronts. Some of the longer, thinner tails can drape over the shoulders so now you can notice the A’s and Crissy’s V’s. It’s a much looser hairstyle and can create a halo around one’s head.
I know your last question is: What are the girls wearing?
Velvet--her original dress and shoes
Stacie--her original tutu
PJ--7424 Regatta on the Sea plus a net rubber band she borrowed from Barbie
Crissy--I know she’s a Movin’ Groovin’ doll but she’s wearing the originally Crissy lace mini
Barbie--2972 Two Hip Party Looks plus one of her original net rubber bands
Mia--the jeans from Dandy Denims
Janet--a cotton wrap robe from Shillman.
The next time you watch one of The Hunger Games movies, note Jennifer Lawrence’s long plait. It’s a fishtail, not a traditional braid.
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