Thursday, October 15, 2020

Almost mirror images of Skipper in 1965

I have two 1965 Skipper paper doll sets from Whitman. The dolls are reverses of each other.

The first is #1984, simply called "Skipper" and the picture on the front of the folder is of Skipper riding a seahorse.  Inside is a fold-out cabana plus what I guess is a separate cardboard holder (the thing with blue flowers) for her clothes.  The clothes are all Whitman designs.  The outfits, in my opinion, look a little matronly for a 10-year-old girl.  They also are not meant for the beach at all!  My favorite items are the picnic basket and cooler, which are a heavier cardstock than the clothing.

The second is a set called Fashion Calendar Wardrobe, and I am unable to find the stock number for it.  I have just a few of the outfits, and they are a mixture of Mattel and Whitman clothes.  This Skipper is of heavier cardboard and originally came with a plastic ring to insert the paper doll into so that she can stand.

Despite what the folder cover says,
there was only one Skipper paper doll included with this set.

The back of the folder is one of many scenes
I've seen of Skipper in the 1960s at the beach.
The first Skipper is of cardstock, is a tad bit taller, and wears her red striped swimsuit.  The second Skipper is an almost mirror image, except she wears a blue version of the swimsuit.  You'd think the blue swimsuit would have been worn by the first Skipper, so as to match her cabana.
They're not quite twins.  The one in blue is a bit shorter and made of a heavier cardboard.

The clothes look better on the doll than they do by themselves.

The doors of the cabana open out,
and Skipper can hide inside to redress.

The calendar fashion wardrobe came with a red striped cap
that matched Skipper's swimsuit.
I'm guessing Silk N Fancy is Skipper's favorite,
because the tabs have hearts on them.

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