Friday, September 4, 2020

Ken's "The Secret of Pleasant Manor"

Ken's 1987 ensemble, #1865 The Secret of Pleasant Manor, is supposed to be a historical costume, probably from the 1800s.  It comes with a top hat and cape, and makes Ken like a combination of Rhett Butler, Count Dracula, Harry Houdini and PT Barnum.
Who will Ken be on Halloween?  Rhett Butler, Count Dracula, Harry Houdini or PT Barnum?
Who will Ken be for Halloween?  Rhett Butler, Count Dracula, PT Barnum or Harry Houdini?
The outfit is wild, all shiny white and silver.  The cape (which is actually a pouch) has a gray fur collar.  The top hat (Ken's first since 1966's #1426 Here Comes the Groom) is molded gray felt.  The only part of the outfit I don't care for are the slacks, with silver polka dot pinstripes!
This ensemble came with a small story booklet entitled "The Secret of Pleasant Manor," in which Barbie and Ken discover the yellow gown and tuxedo in a trunk in Whitney's/Princess Laura's house.  The clothing belonged to her ancestors.
Jewel Secrets dolls and outfits were all actually costumes and the dolls' original outfits came with masks.  Most of the costumes were for Mardi Gras, but I think Ken's outfit is better suited for Halloween.

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