Friday, October 23, 2020

1973 Living Skipper paper doll with unusually shaped folder

The design of the 1973 Whitman paper doll folder #1969 "Hi, I'm Skipper" is unique in that it is cut out to follow Skipper's outline.  There are probably other Whitman paper dolls with this type of folder, but I've never seen any.  The clothing is a combination of 1972 fashions and Whitman's own designs.

A a bubblegum machine is cleverly superimposed
over the photo of Skipper, making it look like she is touching it.
I didn't know that girls could buy purple underwear in the early 1970s!

No, I don't like those weird thigh high knit socks either.
Also, note that the blouse for Nifty Knickers is green
when it is supposed to be yellow.

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