Thursday, November 26, 2020

Wet N Wild and Romantic Bride Barbie paper doll sets the same

Although their front covers are completely different, the contents and back of the 1990 Barbie paper doll sets are the same.

One cover has a drawing of a generic Barbie wearing The Beat fashion 4573.  The folder is dated 1990 and has stock number 1502-1.  The other cover has a photograph of 1990's Wedding Fantasy Barbie.  It is dated both 1990 and 1993 and has stock number 1502-5.  Everything else is identical and from 1990.

The paper doll is Wet N Wild Barbie.  Her clothing is from the All Star, The Beat, Ice Capades and Western Fun lines.

The Barbies pictured on the left are Wedding Fantasy,
Ice Capades, Western Fun and whom I assume is The Beat.

There are three additional outfit pieces
on the back to color and punch out.

The actual Wet N Wild Barbie's swimsuit
changed color when wet to blue and purple.

The real ski outfit came with purple skis.

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