Saturday, July 9, 2022

1980s British Barbie magazine different from US version

Barbie Magazine was published in England in the 1980s.
Note that the cover says "fortnight" instead of "bi weekly."

I have purchased one of the 1980s Barbie Magazines that were sold in England and Ireland. It is very different from its counterpart, Barbie The Magazine for Girls, that was sold in the United States at the same time.

The American magazine was printed on enamel paper and consisted of different news articles about celebrities, a comic strip story about Barbie and a short story.  It was published quarterly.

The British magazine was printed on newsprint, has just a few color pages, and is a series of drawn comic strips, one about Barbie and the others just generic stories.  It was published every other week by IPC Magazines Ltd. In London.  The center section was celebrity color photos plus some trivia about them.  For instance, the issue I have features Mel & Kim (Melanie and Kim Appleton).  Cost was 40 pence.

This is a page from the "Forever Faithful" comic strip
Note that Barbie is driving on the right side of the car.

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