Sunday, August 30, 2020

Queen City Beautiful Doll Club Show update

 The Aug. 28 Queen City Beautiful Doll Club did not have the outcome everyone expected.  Even with all the advertising, free admission and people desperate to go shopping, the customers did not come and it proved to be a slow tiresome day.  I made $24 and spent $25!

I spent months preparing for the show, reorganizing my doll merchandise, but my new arrangements did not really merit any attention.  I ended up selling two sets of small dolls--Tyco Quints and Mimi & the GooGoos, two Barbie clone swimsuits and a Barbie princess movie friend.  I bought a Barbie storybook, Ken's Secret of Pleasant Manor outfit and a Skipper Best Buy.  There was more I saw that I wanted, but I didn't feel right buying them.

One hope had been that visitors to the EnterTrainment Junction exhibits would wander into the doll show in the party room after they were done going through ETJ, since there was no additional fee.  That didn't happen.  Since I have always dealt in playline Barbie as opposed to collectible Barbie, many of my customers have been children.  I saw very few children yesterday.  So few people at ETJ brought their kids to the doll show.  I wonder why?  Everyone was wearing masks all day.

I doubt I will be setting up a sale table at any more doll shows for at least a few years.

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