Whitman sold its first Malibu Barbie and family paper dolls in 1972, a year after the Malibus were introduced in 1971. This was the first of numerous Malibu paper dolls that Whitman created.
The first set, #1994, was called Malibu Barbie/The SunSet. The covers and inside were very pretty, although for some reason Francie appears to have pale green hair. Perhaps she swam too much in chlorinated pools?
However, the clothes are outlandish, even garish, in colors that do NOT coordinate well. It hurts to look at them. Only two of the outfits are Mattel products, and they both belong to Ken.
This set is very easy to find, as I have two sets with folders and a third set with just of a few dolls. In fact, it must have been sold for several years because the first one I have was 69 cents and the second was 79 cents.
The same Malibu Francie paper doll returned in 1973 with her own set of clothes. These clothes, although loud, are not ugly the way the first Malibu set was.
The cover of the 1972 Malibu SunSet paper dolls makes Skipper look very young. Note the two different prices.
The back of the Malibu SunSet folder is beautiful and I am tempted to frame it!
The towels pictured in the inside of the Malibu SunSet folder match what was actually sold with the dolls.
No idea why the Malibu Francie paper doll has green hair. It's not that the color registration is off- I have three of these and they all are that color.
Ken's clothes are "real," but Barbie's and Francie's are not and hurt the eyes to look at!
Malibu Francie. wearing a revealing outfit, returned in 1973 with her own paper doll set. |
Combined with the previous set Malibu Francie has a lot of clothes!
A few of the 1973 outfits are revisions of actual Mattel clothing. The chartreuse jacket and skirt are Smashin' Satin.